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Tühjade torude paigaldus ja ehitussüvendi kaevamine

ID 86974

274 vaatamist


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    kuni 18.10.2023
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  • 3 Töö teostamine
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Hanke lõpp: K, 18. oktoober, 2023
Maakond: Lääne-Virumaa
Muu asula: Türje
Tööde algus: N, 19. oktoober, 2023 (Soovituslik)
Tööde lõpp: P, 31. märts, 2024
Ehitusmaterjalid: Töö tellija poolt
Soovin pakkumisi: Summa kogu projektile

Töö sisu

Minu eesti keel ei ole nii hea, järgmine kuulutus on tõlgitud Google Translate'iga. Kui tõlge jääb ebaselgeks, leiate lõpust ingliskeelse originaalteksti.

Otsin ettevõtet tühjade torude matmiseks kaablite ja veetorude eluasemeks külmasäästlikus sügavuses oma kinnistule Lääne-Virumaal Järva-Jaani lähedal Türjel.
Kaevu ümber tuleks kaevata 3,5x3,5 m suurune süvend, et valmistuda järgmisel kevadel kaevumaja ehitamiseks.

Tühjade torude matmiseks tuleb kaevata ligikaudu 110 m ca 1,8 m sügavused kaevikud. Sellesse tuleb torude kaitseks panna liivapeenar, liiva saab naaberküla karjäärist. Toru tuleb katta liivaga ja paigaldada hoiatuslint juhuks, kui tulevikus toimub kaevamine, enne kui kaevikud uuesti pinnasega täituvad.
Torude otsad tuleb katta.
Oleks tore, kui kaablite/torude paigaldamise hõlbustamiseks saaks paigaldamise ajal tühjadesse torudesse panna köied, kuid see pole kohustuslik.

Torude planeeritud paigutust näete lisatud kaardil. Torude ja kaevu täpne asukoht märgitakse kinnistule värviga.
Kaardile märgitud punased ja sinised jooned peaksid olema eraldi torud, kuid võivad minna kõrvuti samas kaevis.
Red Pipe'is asuvad toite- ja võrgukaablid ning sinises torus veetorud.

Kahjuks on juurdepääsutee kinnistule vaid väike kruusatee. Haagisega 3.5 to veduriga pääseb probleemideta ligi aga veoautoga ligipääsus pole kindel.

Kuna mu eesti keel pole nii hea, eelistatakse inglise keeles suhelda oskavat seltskonda.

I am looking for a company to burry empty pipes as housing for cables and water pipes in a frost-save depth on my property in Türje, Lääne-Virumaa, near Järva-Jaani.
Also, a pit of 3.5x3.5m should be dug around a Well, in preparation for the build of a Well-house next spring.

To bury the empty pipes, approximately 110 m of about 1.8 m deep trenches must be dug. A bed of sand must be placed in this to protect the pipes, the sand can be obtained from a quarry in the neighboring village. The pipe must be covered with sand and a warning tape must be placed in case excavation will occur in the future, before the trenches are filled with earth again.
The end of the pipes need to be caped.
It would be nice If ropes could be placed in the empty pipes during installation to make the installation of the cables/pipes easier, but this is not a must.

You can see the planned placement of the pipes on the attached map. The exact location for the pipes and the pit will be marked with paint on the property.
The Red and Blue lines marked on the map should be separate pipes but can go next to each other in the same trench.
The red Pipe will house Power and Network cables and the blue pipe will house water pipes.

Unfortunately, the access road to the property is only a small gravel road. It can be accessed with a 3.5 to transporter with a trailer without problems but I am not sure about access with a truck.

Since my Estonian is not that good a company that can communicate in English is preferred.

Pildid, video ja failid

Hanke korraldaja: eraisik ID74015


Pakkumisi kokku: 2    

Ettevõte Summa Käibemaks Ettemaks Lisatud Vestlus
Private ID50618 4.8 4 650,0 € Lisandub hinnale Lisandub hinnale 40% 14.10.2023 Vestlus (0)

Ettevõtte lühiinfo (vaata täisprofiili ID50618 ) :

Firma nimi: ** ******** **
E-mail: ******************
Telefon: ********
Kontaktisik: **** ********
Asukoht: ******** *************
Käive: 64426.74
(periood 01.04.2024 - 30.06.2024)
Töötajaid: 3
(seisuga 30.06.2024)
Asutatud: 2019
MTR: Andmed puuduvad
Maksuvõlg: 3 025,93 € (seisuga 26.09.2024)

Keskmine hinnang:

Töökiirus: 12345
Kvaliteet: 12345
Hind: 12345

Hinnanguid: 104
Tehtud tööde pildid: 75

Pakkumise kirjeldus:

Hind sisaldab:
- pe de 32 tarbevee torustik
- kaablikaitse kõri(kaablit hinnas pole)
- tehnika ja materjalide transport
- kaevetööd
- paigaldustööd
- täiteliiva
- 3,5x3,5m süvendi kaevamist
- garantii töödele 5 aastat
- saab tasuda ilma km
Teha saame oktoobri lõpus.
Hüdrovasara tööd ei kuulu hinda, 85.-eur/h, kui seda peaks vaja minema.
Hind ei sisalda haljastustöid ega algse olukorra taastamist, hinnas kaeveala silumine.
Kui tööde käigus selgub lisatöid, siis need lepitakse eraldi kokku.
Valida võitjaks ainult siis kui olete kindlad tööde tellijad, siis me ei pea hankele tasuma teenustasu arvet ilma asjata ja kui valite võitjaks, kuid töid ei telli, siis jääb teenustasu Teie kanda.
Private ID34288 5.0 4 800,0 € Lisandub hinnale Lisandub hinnale Ei soovi 15.10.2023 Vestlus (0)

Ettevõtte lühiinfo (vaata täisprofiili ID34288 ) :

Firma nimi: ******** **
E-mail: ******************
Telefon: ********
Kontaktisik: **** ********
Asukoht: ***** ***** **** ***** ***********
Käive: 43400.40
(periood 01.04.2024 - 30.06.2024)
Töötajaid: Andmed puuduvad
Asutatud: 2012
MTR: Andmed puuduvad
Maksuvõlg: puudub (seisuga 26.09.2024)

Keskmine hinnang:

Töökiirus: 12345
Kvaliteet: 12345
Hind: 12345

Hinnanguid: 2
Tehtud tööde pildid: 4

Pakkumise kirjeldus:


My offer includes excavation work, installation of protection pipes and backfilling. Installation of safty tape as well as saeling of pipes ends. We dig out a 3,5x3,5m hole at a depth of1,8m. Everything asked. We perform the work with a 5.5 t excavator.

Küsimused hanke korraldajale

Küsimus: private ID34288   12.10.2023 18:32

I have a couple of questions.
- Do I understand right that You need water pipe 22 meters? We don`t have a blue pipe in Estonia. We usually put water pipe directly under the ground because the pipe is vibrating and when water pipe is in the protection pipe (You wrote blue pipe), it will make a hole in a water pipe during some time of period. So, I recommend to put water pipe directly into the ground.
- The red pipe that You mentioned, is actually yellow. It protects electricity cables. Do I understand right that You need 110 meters of that pipe?
- How deep should be the whole around the well (3,5x3,5 meters)? Do you need to take out only the top soil?
- Where to put pile of top soil that has digged out? Level off on the ground or it will stay aside?

Teavita reeglite rikkumisest

Korraldaja vastus: 13.10.2023 18:58

with blue and red I meant the color of lines on the map not the actual color of the pipe.
I did have this kind of pipe in mind: https://www.emc-direct.de/wellrohr/hdpe-wellrohr/ungeschlitzt-450n-mit-zugdraht/4190/wellrohr-hdpe-innen-glatt-einzughilfe?number=36303-B sorry I don't have a link in English maybe you can translate it with google chrome? this one is black but I don't really care for the color.

If you would recommend not to put the water pipe in another pipe then leave it out of the offer but please mention this when you do the offer.
My idea to put the water pipe in a protective pipe so that in the event of frost damage the pipe could be easily replaced.
Also, the entire construction project on the property will take place in several sections(next year the Well-House, then a smaller shed used as Office without a water connection, a bath-house with a water connection, and then a bigger house with a water connection ) and it would be easier to put the water pipe in the other pipe once the pump and water system in the new buildings are done.

The trench for the pipes will be about 110m, but there is also the length that the pipe needs to go under and out of the ground and there 2 t crossings that should probably be a shallower angle since it's hard to pull cable around a 90-degree bend and several buildings are to be connected. There is the barn, the garage, the well-house (will be built next year), and 3 other buildings (the exact construction date has not yet been determined but you can see the position of the biggest one on the map). So we have to come out of the ground in several places and the pipe should be big enough for several cables. I think 130m should be enough with an inside diameter of 6 or 7 cm.

I thought the hole around the well should be as deep as the trenches for the cables/pipes.
Next year I want to build a well house around the well with a deep, insulated foundation to keep the pipes frost-free down to below the frost line. So at least 1.8m, 2 would probably be better.

The earth can be placed next to the hole, a large part will later be used as filling around and between the foundation of the well-house, the rest I can level myself.

Teavita reeglite rikkumisest

Lisa küsimus

Lisa küsimus

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